Focusing on the 19 Behaviors Most Essential to a Positive School Culture

Focusing on the 19 Behaviors Most Essential to a Positive School Culture

This article provides two practical ways to focus on the behaviors that have the greatest effect in creating a safe, supportive learning environment:1)by tracking the positivity ratio and 2) reinforcing the 19 most essential positive behaviors. Information on how to...
SOS: Helping Students Become Independent Learners

SOS: Helping Students Become Independent Learners

This module describes how teachers can help students stay on task by learning to regulate their behavior. The four strategies discussed are self-monitoring, self-instruction, goal-setting, and self-reinforcement. Click here to start the module.
Behavior Strategies to Support Intensifying Interventions

Behavior Strategies to Support Intensifying Interventions

The National Center on Intensive Intervention developed a series of behavioral strategies to support teachers working with students with primary academic deficits and challenging behaviors. Each strategy incorporates key terminology, an overview of the purpose, and...
Self-Advocacy Skills and Self-Determination for Students With Disabilities

Self-Advocacy Skills and Self-Determination for Students With Disabilities

Personalized learning requires students to make good choices about their learning, assert their needs and pursue their goals in order to be successful. This report from the National Center for Learning Disabilities summarizes three actions teachers and schools can...