100 Most Frequently Misspelled Words Across Eight Grade Levels

100 Most Frequently Misspelled Words Across Eight Grade Levels

Did you know that about 300 words account for more than half the words students misspell in their writing from grades 1-8? Click here to view the list and get a checklist to keep track of words you want to teach (or reteach).
Using Sentence Frames to Assist Struggling Writers

Using Sentence Frames to Assist Struggling Writers

This presentation provides the rationale for using sentence frames with struggling writers, as well as provides example sentence frames to use in various forms of writing including character analysis, compare and contrast, opinion, and others! Click here to access the...
Vertical Articulation of Arizona’s ELA Standards

Vertical Articulation of Arizona’s ELA Standards

This document takes each of Arizona’s ELA Anchor standards and shows how each standard progresses at each grade level. This can be used as a tool to differentiate while still providing standards-based instruction in the classroom. Click here to access the...