Happy and Healthy At Home: Student Mental Health and Distance Learning

Happy and Healthy At Home: Student Mental Health and Distance Learning

This recorded edWebinar will be of benefit to school and district leaders of elementary through high school grade levels. Watch this edWebinar for a discussion about this “new normal” of distance learning. We dive into the trends of how and what students are doing as seen through Gaggle’s data, as well as how educators can keep students safe and connected while they learn at home.

UDL Guidelines: Provide Options for Executive Functions

UDL Guidelines: Provide Options for Executive Functions

At the highest level of the human capacity to act skillfully are the so-called “executive functions.” Associated with networks that include the prefrontal cortex, these capabilities allow humans to overcome impulsive, short-term reactions to their environment and instead to set long-term goals and other things. The UDL framework typically involves efforts to expand executive capacity in two ways. Previous guidelines have addressed lower level scaffolding, this guideline addresses ways to provide scaffolding for executive functions themselves.