Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards Crosswalked with the ASL Standards – 5th Grade

Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards Crosswalked with the ASL Standards – 5th Grade

This document provides a comparison between Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards and the new ASL Content Standards. ELA Standards ASL Standards Grade 5
Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards Crosswalked with the ASL Standards – 4th Grade

Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards Crosswalked with the ASL Standards – 4th Grade

This document provides a comparison between Arizona’s English Language Arts Standards and the new ASL Content Standards. ELA Standards ASL Standards grade 4
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Sign Video Dictionary

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Sign Video Dictionary

DeafTEC has developed this Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) ASL Dictionary to assist teachers with technical signs used in the educational setting. Click here to access the dictionary.