Yesterday we celebrated White Cane Day 2022 at La Expedición de Anza Cultural History Park with cultural stories, food and fun!
Our ASB and ASD students went from station to station learning about: bats and echolocation, how to sign Mexican Sign Language, and what their name looks and feels like in Braille!
Thank you to everyone for joining us and making this day unforgettable for our students!

Alt-text: Attached are 9 photos.
1. An ASD student walks blindfolded with a white cane. O&M instructor walks with him. They are both smiling.
2. A student holds a bat in a clear plastic mold up, examining it.
3. Staff sign with a group of students smiling.
4. A teacher points at one of the signs in the park. 4 students touch the sign and look at the silhouette of the roadrunner.
5. A teacher and a student use gourds with beads and shells attached to make music. The teacher laughs, and the student smiles.
6. Students and staff use papers with the Braille alphabet to create their names out of ceramic pieces.
7. A volunteer holds up a plastic bat skeleton to a group of students.
8. A blind staff member with the help of an interpreter, explains echolocation to ASD students.
9. Everyone is under the large ramada at the park, they are passing out paletas to the students and enjoying each other’s company.