University of Minnesota’s Education Resources for Teachers of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students

University of Minnesota’s Education Resources for Teachers of Deaf/Hard of Hearing Students

These resources in language, reading, assessment, transition and technology have been selected to address instructional practices at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels and can be applied across settings and modalities. The language and reading sections...
Close Reading: An Instructional Strategy for Conquering Complex Text

Close Reading: An Instructional Strategy for Conquering Complex Text

This captioned video shows a 3rd grade teacher guide students through the close reading process, check for understanding, and leverage the power of student talk and collaboration to help them make meaning of a complex text. Click here to watch the video.
Focusing on the 19 Behaviors Most Essential to a Positive School Culture

Focusing on the 19 Behaviors Most Essential to a Positive School Culture

This article provides two practical ways to focus on the behaviors that have the greatest effect in creating a safe, supportive learning environment:1)by tracking the positivity ratio and 2) reinforcing the 19 most essential positive behaviors. Information on how to...
Retelling: An Intervention to Promote the Literacy Achievement for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Retelling: An Intervention to Promote the Literacy Achievement for Students who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing

This captioned webinar from the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) explains why retelling is an effective intervention for building comprehension and describes how to organize a classroom or itinerant setting to effectively use the...