The High School at the Arizona School for the Deaf services freshman through seniors, grades 9 through 12. Course offerings cover the mandated requirements by the State of Arizona for a high school diploma. Students access their education directly from certified teachers of the Deaf. Portfolios are used extensively throughout a student’s educational experience to preserve and showcase achievements and progress.
ASD is a North Central Accredited school, which means colleges and universities throughout the country accept a transcript from ASD. North Central Accreditation also enables ASD to be a member of the Arizona Athletic Association (AIA), competing state wide with other AIA sanctioned schools. The following sports are offered to ALL high school students: football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, baseball and softball. PDSD athletes have the unique opportunity to compete annually in two outstanding deaf tournaments, such as the Clerc Tournament, the Western States Basketball classic (WSBC), National Deaf Wrestling Championship, the Annual Spike-Out and the Hoy Baseball Tournament. Additionally, the high school at ASD has fielded an Academic Team since YEAR HERE. Competition is hosted by Galllaudet University, and the students have the opportunity to meet deaf and hard of hearing students across America.
Another unique educational opportunity available to ASD students is a vocational placement at either Metro Tech or East Valley Institute of Technology. These institutes offer vocational training in forty different career opportunities, which prepare and certify students for wonderful job placement, as well as offering advanced courses, which can be transferable credit toward a college degree. Also available to qualified high school students are employment prospects and work internships to experience possible career options.
Several social opportunities planned by the Student Council are accorded the high school students at ASD, such as Homecoming, Prom, dances, and Senior Trip, to name a few. High School students may elect to join the Jr. National Association for the Deaf. Another unique experience is the Close Up Program in Washington, D.C., which is offered every other year to juniors and seniors.
If you are interested in our program or would like to request more information, please contact us.