Parent Resources
Starting Out - Early Identification
- Office of Newborn Screening (changed link) – Update:
- Gallaudet University’s Visual Language & Visual Learning (VL2) – Parent Resource Packet:
- Gallaudet University’s Visual Language & Visual Learning (VL2) – Research Briefs in English, Spanish & Mandrin:
- American Society for Deaf Children
- Hands and Voices Organization
- Arizona Hands & Voices
- The Ear Foundation of Arizona
- Gallaudet University: Clerc Resources Center: Early Intervention, Early Childhood
- Arizona Early Intervention Program
Early Learning Program and Preschool Resources
Starting Out – Early Identification
“Growing Together: Creating Language-Rich Environment” – Interviews with parents, researchers, and scientists
“Through Your Child’s Eye: American Sign Language” – Produced by California State University – Northridge & the California Department of Education
Visual Language & Visual Learning (VL2) – Research Briefs for Educators & Parents
Early Learning Program
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind, Early Childhood & Family Education
- Deaf Mentor Program – Birth to 3-years-old
- Address: 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85745
- Main Number: 520.770.3458
- Kendra Benedict , Statewide Director
- Referral Form
Arizona Early Intervention Program – Department of Economic Security (Cost for Early Intervention Services decision has been reversed – all services provided after July 1, 2014 are at no cost to families)
Referring a child for Early Intervention
“How Early Intervention Can Make a Difference: Research and Trends – Beth Benedict” – Visual Language & Visual Learning (VL2)
“Early Intervention: The Missing Link ” – Produced by ASLized!
Transition into Pre-Primary (3-5 years-old)
Arizona Department of Education – Parent Information Network (PIN)
In partnership with Raising Special Kids
Teaching Strategies GOLD – statewide assessment tool used to children’s developmental data and outcomes as well as to drive instruction and programming
Arizona Preschool Resources
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind – Includes site-based schools in the Phoenix Metro Area, Tucson, and in ASDB’s Regional Cooperative programs
- Phoenix Day School for the Deaf Preschool – Phoenix Metro Area
- School for the Deaf Preschool – Tucson
- ASDB Regional Cooperatives – Statewide
Family Support Resources
Family Support & Other Resources
Arizona Hands and Voices – Parent led organization
Guide by Your Side – A Parent Mentor Program of Arizona Hands & Voices
Raising Special Kids – Parent led organization
The Ear Foundation of Arizona – Hearing testing and assistive technology resource
Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing– Statewide organization supporting Deaf, Hard of hearing, and Deafblind individuals from birth through the end of life.
ASDB Family ASL Classes – Both site-based schools, Arizona School for the Deaf and Phoenix Day School for the Deaf, offer ASL classes for families every week during the school year. These classes are taught in ASL with some English support (and Spanish at some locations). Families participating in area cooperative programming are welcome to attend the family classes on campus! Additionally, childcare is offered for younger children/siblings if needed.
For more information, contact the school’s main office: Phoenix, 602.771.5304
Primary and Secondary Programs
Primary & Secondary School Resources
Arizona State Schools for the Deaf and Blind – Includes site-based schools in the Phoenix Metro Area, Tucson, & in ASDB’s Regional Cooperative programs
ASDB Events Calendar
ASDB Agency Calendar of Events
Phoenix Day School for the Deaf (PDSD)
- Address: 7654 N. 19th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021
- Courtney Fritz, Principal
Arizona School for the Deaf (ASD)
- Address: 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85745
- Kelly Creasy, Principal
ASDB, Regional Cooperatives – Statewide
Desert Valley Regional Cooperative (DVRC)
Address: 2051 W. Northern, Suite 200. Phoenix, AZ 85021
Faye Miller, Director
Eastern Highlands Regional Cooperative (EHRC)
Address: 153 W. Vista Dr. Holbrook, AZ 86025
Michele Lucci, Director
North Central Regional Cooperative (NCRC)
Address: 25 W. Saddlehorn Road, Sedona, AZ 86351
Dale Devries, Director
Southeast Regional Cooperative (SERC)
Address: 1200 W. Speedway Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85745
Pia Benson, Director
Southwest Regional Cooperative (SWRC)
Address: 2450 S. 4th Ave. Suite 600. Yuma, AZ 85364
Wemme Walls, Director
Summer Programs
Arizona & California
- Lions Camp Tatiyee – 1-week summer camp for Deaf/Hard of Hearing and Coda (hearing children with deaf parents) ages 7 to 17 in Lakeside, Arizona (Free)
- Camp Grizzly for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Youth – 1-week summer camp for Deaf/Hard of Hearing children, Coda (hearing children with deaf parents), and siblings ages 7-15 in Wilseyville, CA (scholarships available)
- DCS San Diego-Deaf Youth Literacy Camp – 1-week summer camp for Deaf/Hard of Hearing children ages 8-14 in Jamul, CA (Free)
- Lions Wilderness Camp for Deaf Children – 1-week summer camps Deaf/Hard of Hearing youth, Coda & siblings ages 7-15 in Wrightwood, CA & Nevada City, CA (Free for Deaf/Hard of Hearing with $30 deposit & $400 for Codas and siblings, ASL fluency required)
Camps Across the US
Clerc Center-Gallaudet University offers a comprehensive list of camps/summer programs for Deaf/Hard of Hearing children, their siblings, and children of Deaf parents organized by state
Post High School
- Access and Techniques that will help students connect to college and beyond.
- Arizona Commission for Postsecondary Education (Expanding access and increasing success in postsecondary education for Arizonans)
- California State University Northridge
- College & Career Goal Arizona (C2GA is a statewide initiative, that you can be a part of, consisting of three programs the Arizona College Application Campaign, College Goal FAF$A and FAFSA Finish Line.)
- College Scorecard from U.S. Department of Education
- Earn to Learn Invest in College Success
- Federal Student Aid (An Office of the U.S. Department of Education)
- Gallaudet University
- Graduate 2.0 A College Planning Guide to Success (White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for Hispanics)
- Helios Education Foundation (Helios is dedicated to creating opportunities for individuals in Arizona and Florida to succeed in postsecondary education. Created through the sale of Southwest Student Services Corporation, a student loan services company, our roots are in education and in helping individuals gain access to postsecondary programs.)
- Homeroom (Which College is Right for You? 3 Questions to Ask Yourself)
- Making My Way through College (This is a guide for any student pursuing a degree or other type of credential (e.g., certification, license) at a two-year or four-year community college, college, or university.)
- Mapping Your Future (Helping Students Achieve Success for College and Beyond)
- NAMI Releases Video Series On College and Mental Health (NAMI has released a new video series aimed at helping college bound students and their families talk about mental health.)
- National Center for Education Statistics
- Raise Me (Introducing Micro Scholarships. Get scholarships from colleges for your achievements in high school.)
- Rochester Institute of Technology (Deaf and hard-of-hearing students at RIT/NTID receive a world-class private university education at a public college price)
- Scholarships & Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities (Paying for School, Special Tuition Programs & Expert Advice)
- Student Resource Guide (Thinking about college can be overwhelming. There are so many decisions and so many options. It can feel like the biggest decision of your life. But it’s really just a lot of little choices. This student guide pulls together some information that we hope will help. Remember, you have to do what’s right for you. Trust yourself!!)
- Think College (College Options for People with Intellectual Disabilities)
- Transition to College: What changes after High School?
- Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (Students who are residents of WICHE states are eligible to request a reduced tuition rate of 150% of resident tuition at participating two- and four-year college programs outside of their home state.)
- What’s Up Next? (Is a free texting tool that offers personalized support on all things college access: college search and application, federal student aid, even student loan repayment information, all through texting.)
- ARIZONA@WORK (ARIZONA@WORK Workforce Specialists can help you find a job. Visit to access career training opportunities and locate a workforce center near you.)
- Interview Tips
- How to Get a Job in Arizona
- 5 Interviewing Tips
- ARIZONA@WORK Services for Job Seekers
- Arizona Department of Economic Security Apprenticeship Office (Our apprenticeship program allows you to make money while you learn the skills that you need to further succeed)
- AZ Job Connection (AZ Job Connection provides job seekers, employers, and training providers with easy-to-use tools that support a wide range of activities.)
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
- CareerConnect®: For Job Seekers Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
- Data USA (In 2014, Deloitte, Datawheel, and Cesar Hidalgo, Professor at the MIT Media Lab and Director of Collective Learning, came together to embark on an ambitious journey — to understand and visualize the critical issues facing the United States in areas like jobs, skills and education across industry and geography. And, to use this knowledge to inform decision making among executives, policymakers and citizens.)
- Disability and Employment Community of Practice(The Disability and Employment Community of Practice is an online learning destination for public workforce system staff and partners, jobseekers, community-based organizations, grantees, and the business sector, who provide services and programs to people with disabilities and/or other challenges to employment.)
- Disability Benefits 101 (Working with a Disability in Arizona)
- Employability Skills Survey (This survey lists the skills and talents that employers value. You will build these skills in school. Read the list and assess where you are now. Mark each box that best describes your level of skill. Note your best skills and those skills you need to improve at the bottom of the survey. Also note how you might build those skills that you need to improve.)
- Explore Work (If you are a teen who has a disability, you have choices and things to do to prepare for life after high school and becoming an adult. Just like every teen, this is a time of transition. You are preparing to be an adult, get a job, and become more independent)
- Free Job Readiness Curriculum (, curriculum, resources and activities are designed for educators to help teens prepare for their first job.)
- Getting Hired (Empowering Individuals & Veterans with Disabilities)
- Glassdoor (Find the job that fits your life)
- How to Succeed at: Interviews (This free three week course provides the tools you need to succeed at interviews and land your dream job or course place.)
- JAN (Job Accommodation Network)
- Job Corps Materials Marketplace
- Job Search Hints 2011 (Job Search Hints compiled from California Career Planning Guide; Job Hunting Tips; Human Resources, The Knot; and EDD LMI Analyst)
- My Future (Figure out what’s next)
- National Career Fairs Job Board (National Career Fairs has held over 10,000 career fairs nationwide and have had more than 1 million job seekers attend career fairs over the last 16 years. You can also search for local jobs for free.)
- National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability(Navigating the Road to Work, Making Connection between Youth with Disabilities & Employment)
- Navigating the Road to Work
- Planning Your Employment Goals with the Ticket to Work Program (Social Security’s Ticket to Work (Ticket) program supports career development for people ages 18 through 64 who receive Social Security disability benefits (SSI or SSDI) and want to work.)
- Pocket Résumé (Print it out and cut the paper to a finished size of 3.5 inches wide x 8 inches tall. Fill it out, fold it into fourths to about the size of a business card (2 inches x 3.5 inches), and place in your purse or wallet. That way, you’ll always have the information requested on most employment applications.)
- Project Central State Occupational Projections(Projections of occupational employment growth are developed for all States. One of the most important uses of the projections is to help individuals make informed career decisions.
- Path to Work-Whether you are just considering working, ready to find a service provider to help you, are looking for a job, or already working and want to keep on the road to financial independence, explore the Path to Work to learn more at every part of your journey.
- Phase 1 (Ticket to Work discusses what you should know about when considering working while on benefits. It discusses the Ticket to Work program, dispels myths about working on benefits, and provides you the success stories of real people who used the program to inspire you.)
- Phase 2 (Ready to Work helps you determine your own work goals then find a Ticket to Work service provider that can help you best.)
- Phase 3 (Getting a Job takes you step by step through the process of getting ready to enter the workforce, finding and applying for jobs, and being prepared for interviews.)
- Phase 4 (Managing Your Job provides information to keep you on the path to a better future once you are hired including starting your job the right way, managing money and understanding the impact of work on benefits.)
- Resume Writing Course (Are you getting ready to apply for a job, or are you already seeking employment? A resume (or résumé) is a brief written account of personal, educational, and professional qualifications and experience that you prepare as part of your application materials for a prospective job.)
- Self-Advocacy: Navigating Disclosure in the Workplace (A key consideration during the job-seeking process is how, when, and why to disclose a disability to an employer.)
- Skills to Pay the Bills (Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success)
- Social Security Red Book (The Red Book serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of Social Security Disability Insurance and the Supplemental Security Income Programs for educators, advocates, rehabilitation professionals, and counselors who serve people with disabilities.)
- Social Security’s Ticket to Work (This program supports career development for Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 who want to work. The Ticket program is free and voluntary. The Ticket program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence.)
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills — Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success (“Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success,” is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching “soft” or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities.)
- SSI Calculator – Wages Only (This example demonstrates the effect of wages (earned income) on Supplemental Security Income.
- Ticket to Work service Providers (Ticket to Work program, you will have access to a wide variety of free services provided to you by Ticket to Work service providers. These service providers can become your “Employment Team,” ready to support you on your journey to financial independence. types of services listed are, in general, what a beneficiary can expect to find from these types of service providers. These are not guarantees or entitlements, and the specific services that the agency or organization will agree to provide will be set and developed in an individual work or employment plan.)
- United States Department of Labor (FLSA Section 14(c) Calculators)
- United States Department of Labor
- Virginia Commonwealth University A a web portal that highlights our funded projects on many topics related to the employment of individuals with disabilities.
- Youth Rules! Preparing the 21st Century Workforce
Transition Planning
- AAPPD (Arizona Association of Providers for People with Disabilities)
- A LIFETIME OF LEARNING AND EARNING: A Family Guide to Work Preparation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing High School Students
- About Got Transition (Got Transition/Center for Health Care Transition Improvement is a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health. Our aim is to improve transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of new and innovative strategies for health professionals and youth and families.)
- Arizona Career Information System
- Arizona College & Career Competency Team Training
- Arizona Community of Practice on Transition-AZCoPT
- Arizona Department of Economic Security
- Arizona Department of Health Services
- Arizona Employment First Job Opportunities Build Success Strategic Plan
- Assistive Technology Forms from the Monroe County Intermediate School District AT Forms(Monroe County Intermediate School District is a regional educational services agency including 9 constituent public school districts, 2 charter schools, and 14 non-public schools.)
- Career Cluster Interest Survey (Madison College can help you identify which career areas (called clusters) might be the best fit for you. Based on activities you enjoy, your personal qualities, and school subjects you like, the survey ranks which career clusters you might find most fulfilling)
- Career One Stop (Your source for career exploration, training & jobs)
- Casey Family Programs (Casey Life Skills is a free practice tool and framework for working with youth in foster care. It assesses independent living skills and provides results instantly.)
- Cost Of Living Calculator (Use the cost of living comparison calculator below to compare the cost of living in two cities. Simply enter your current income, select your current city, as well as the city you are relocating to and click calculate. The cost of living calculator will provide you with the equivalent income needed to maintain your current standard of living.)
- Data USA (This is a free data visualization platform, has created profiles for more than 7,300 universities and higher education institutions in the U.S. The platform enables users to look at institutional stats such as costs, demographics, debt, acceptance rates, financial aid and endowments. The site uses data from the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System and is the result of a collaboration between Deloitte, MIT Media Lab and Datawheel.
- Department of Education AzPSO (Arizona Post School Outcomes)
- Department of Education Transition Page
- Developmental Disabilities
- Authorization for Disclosure of Protected Health Information
- DDD Eligibility Referral Form (The first step in the application process)
- Developmental Disabilities (The mission of DDD is to empower individuals with development disabilities to lead self-directed, healthy and meaningful lives. The Division provides supports and services that help enable individuals with opportunities to exercise their rights and responsibilities of independent decision-making and engagement in the community.)
- Help for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities and their Families (The Division provides supports and services based upon need, state and/or federal guidelines and the availability of funds. Most services to children and adults with developmental disabilities are delivered at home and in community-based settings.)
- Find Out If You or A Family Are Eligible for DDD Services (The Department of Economic Security (DES) Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) provides services to individuals with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. The services are based on age, specific eligibility based on federal requirements and referral/application processes.)
- Third Party Liability Questionnaire
- (Connecting people with disabilities, their families and caregivers to resources)
- DO IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology)
- ECAP-Education and Career Action Plan
- Employability/Life Skills Assessment for Ages 14-21 (Assessment generated from Ohio’s Employability Skills Project)
- Employability Skills Survey (This survey lists the skills and talents that employers value. You will build these skills in school. Read the list and assess where you are now. Mark each box that best describes your level of skill. Note your best skills and those skills you need to improve at the bottom of the survey. Also note how you might build those skills that you need to improve.)
- Essential Life Skills for All Teens (SOURCES: 21st Century Life Skills, Casey Life Skills, Ready by 21, Employment Literacy: SCANS 21st Century Skills, Equipped for the Future, California Career Planning Guide)
- Everyday Life Project
- Explore Work (If you are a teen who has a disability, you have choices and things to do to prepare for life after high school and becoming an adult. Just like every teen, this is a time of transition. You are preparing to be an adult, get a job, and become more independent)
- Future Planning Guide (Future Planning is creating a guide for a person with an intellectual or developmental disability (I/DD) to lead a good life as independently as possible.)
- IEP Goals and Objectives Bank from Redmond, Oregon (The Goal Bank has been designed to allow users to locate specific goals. Content Areas included to locate the specific strands and Individual Goals.)
- Index of Learning Styles Questionnaire
- Info to Go (This page from Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center includes information about student transition beyond secondary education.)
- LEAD Center
- Guided Group Discovery Participant Workbook(This user-friendly tool allows youth and adults to create a personalized Blueprint for Employment. Each participant receives a private link that allows them to add to, edit, or review their information at any time. The Workbook can also be printed out to review with counselors, teachers and others.)
- Facilitator Manual (Manual to accompany the Online Workbook for resources for Guided Group Discovery.)
- Guided Group Discovery (A Journey in Self-Exploration for Job Seekers Ready to Take Control of Their Employment Search)
- Self-Guided Discovery Facilitator’s Guide: Helping People Discover Their Own Path to Employment (The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) at the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the LEAD Center are pleased to release this Facilitator’s Guide to Self-Guided Discovery)
- Learning Styles Survey (This survey can help you identify the ways you learn best. You will also learn study tips for your learning style. This can help you study and, thus, learn better. When you are in the world of work—just like in school—you will learn new things often.)
- LINCS (Literacy Information and Communication System)
- Making Youth Employment Work: Essential Elements for a Successful Strategy
- Minnesota Transition Guide For Teachers of the Deaf/Hard of Hearing (Information and resources are available on both national and state levels for effective transition services and planning for people with disabilities.)
- My K-12 Road Trip to College and Career (Links to student planning guides, resources, and power points slides for use within the classroom or with parents (K-12 road trips).
- National Center for Education Statistics – College Map
- National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making (NRC-SDM builds on and extends the work of Quality Trust’s Jenny Hatch Justice Project by bringing together vast and varied partners to ensure that input is obtained from all relevant stakeholder groups including older adults, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), family members, advocates, professionals and providers.)
- NCWD (National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability) (Navigating the Road to Work, Making Connection between Youth with Disabilities & Employment)
- NLS That All May Read (National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped is a free braille and talking book library service for people with temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page.)
- NTACT (National Technical Assistance Center on Transition)
- NTACT Competitive Integrated Employment Toolkit
- Office of Disability Employment Policy (To develop and influence disability employment-related policies and practices, ODEP sponsors the following five policy development and technical assistance resources)
- O*NET OnLine (O*NET OnLine has detailed descriptions of the world of work for use by job seekers, workforce development and HR professionals, students, researchers, and more!)
- Skills Search (Select skills from one or more of the six skill groups below. Start by selecting as many skills as you have or plan to acquire.)
- PACER’s National Parent Center on Transition and Employment (Founded in 2014, PACER’s decades of experience providing high quality assistance and support to parents, youth, and professionals on transition topics.)
- PEAT Enhances a Free Tool to Assess Workplace Technology Accessibility (The ODEP-funded Partnership on Employment and Accessible Technology (PEAT) has enhanced TechCheck, a free, interactive tool that helps organizations evaluate their accessible workplace technology efforts, and find resources to develop them further. TechCheck gives users a confidential benchmarking “snapshot” of the current state of their workplace technology, recommended accessibility goals, and steps they can take to achieve them. Updated features of the tool include automatic scoring and a customized list of resource links based on user responses. TechCheck is a valuable resource for employers seeking to build or fine-tune an accessible workplace technology initiative.)
- Personal Preference Indicators A Guide for Planning (The Personal Preference Indicators were developed by the Center for Learning and Leadership/UCE specifically to support our work with self-advocates, families, professionals and our academic and community colleagues.)
- Postsecondary Education and Training Preparation Toolkit (The Toolkit resources developed by the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) are intended to reflect the best knowledge and comprehensive information the field has identified on a topic. Each Toolkit offers a variety of resources and perspectives on a topic in one location.)
- Project 10 (Transition Education Network website! It is constantly being updated, so check back often for new material.)
- Quick Book of Transition Assessment (This guide will provide technical assistance to school districts and/or agencies that provide special education or special education and related services to youth with disabilities.)
- Raising Special Kids
- Ready Tool: Readiness Evaluation of Transition to Adulthood for Deaf-Blind Youth (Young adults who are deaf-blind experience significant difficulties achieving their desired post-school goals (Petroff, 2001; NCDB, 2009; NFADB, 2008; Wagner et al., 2005). Many factors contribute to poor outcomes, but a primary influence is likely a lack of knowledge among families and service providers about relevant evidence-based practices for students with disabilities (Morningstar & Mazzotti, 2014))
- Self-Advocacy: Navigating Disclosure in the Workplace (A key consideration during the job-seeking process is how, when, and why to disclose a disability to an employer.)
- Skills Commons (Your Free and Open digital library of Workforce Training Materials)
- Soft Skills to Pay the Bills — Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success (“Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success,” is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching “soft” or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities.)
- Student Led IEP’s (Form to prepare students to begin IEP Meetings)
- Test Prep Review (Your Source for Free Online Practice Tests)
- Tool 4 Transition (Free Resource helping students, parents and professionals leverage Assistive Technology to achieve independence in the classroom and beyond.)
- Top NTACT Resources for New Special Education Teachers (NTACT’s purpose is to assist State Education Agencies, Local Education Agencies, State VR agencies, and VR service providers in implementing evidence-based and promising practices ensuring students with disabilities graduate prepared for success in postsecondary education and employment.)
- Transition Assessment and Goal Generator (TAGG is a new on-line transition assessment for secondary-aged youth with disabilities, their families, and professionals. TAGG items derive from research identified student behaviors associated with post high school employment and education.)
- Transition Coalition (Since 2000, the Transition Coalition, located at the University of Kansas, Beach Center on Disability, has been maximizing professional development opportunities for secondary transition and college and career readiness of youth with disabilities.)
- Transition Planning Checklists 8th Grade through 12th grade Checklist for Transition Planning)
- Transition Tool for Students Who Are Deaf (Map It: What Comes Next is an online, interactive program designed to meet the needs of students who are deaf or hard of hearing as they transition to work, college, or training programs.)
- U.S. Department of Education (Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education)
- Utah Futures (Utah Futures helps match your interests to career opportunities.)
- Virginia Career VIEW (Vital Information for Education and Work is recognized as the Commonwealth’s Career Information Delivery System for all students in grades K-8 in Virginia. We are located at Virginia Tech as part of the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences in the School of Education.)
- Virginia Commonwealth University Center on Transition Innovations (It is the vision of the Virginia Department of Education to create a centralized statewide portal for information, resources, demonstration, and research for educators and other stakeholders in the transition of youth with disabilities.)
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Vocational Rehabilitation (VR program provides a variety of services to persons with disabilities, with the ultimate goal to prepare for, enter into, or retain employment.)
- Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS are specific career exploration and job readiness services that help students with disabilities prepare for future employment. Pre-ETS are provided via workshops that are short in duration and related to the following topic areas: Job Exploration Counseling; Work-Based Learning; Counseling on Post-Secondary and Training Opportunities; Work Readiness Training; and Instruction in Self-Advocacy)
- Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Assessment Package Forms in Form-Fillable Format (The WATI Assistive Technology assessment package is a process-based systematic approach to providing a functional assessment of the student’s need for assistive technology in their customary environment.)
- Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative Assistive Technology Checklist
- Workforce Innovation Technical Assistance Center
- Year up
Transition Services
Post Secondary Transition
Arizona Department of Special Education Transition Requirements
Transition to Postsecondary Education (Off to College) – Office of Civil Rights
Your child’s Education & Career Action Plan and the IEP – Arizona’s required transition planning for all youth
Technology Resources
Assistive Technology for Kids
HEAR for Kids – Hearing aid loaner and Audiology voucher program from The EAR Foundation
Hearing Aid Resource Page – Arizona Department of Health Services
Strategies for Keeping Hearing Aids on Young Children – Success for Kids with Hearing Loss provides survey results from parents with deaf children that use hearing aids. Parents provided helpful tips and ideas that may be useful to you!
Children’s Rehabilitation Services
Multi-media Language Resources for Families
ASL & English Bilingual eBooks & Apps and Website Resource Pages
- American Sign Language Resources – American Sign Language University is a sign language resource site for ASL students and teachers.
- Gallaudet University eBook Series – The Baobab & The Boy Who Cried Wolf
- Pointy Three by Adam Stone & Joyce Hom
- Zoey Goes Camping by Christopher Blythe & Jena Floyd
- Zoey Goes to the Dog Park by Rachel Berman Blythe & Jena Floyd
- Signed Stories by ITV Broadcasting Limited
- ASL Nook – American Sign Language learning resource for parents and children
ADA & Advocacy Resources
About the American’s with Disability Act (ADA)
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a federal law enacted in 1990, guarantees that children with disabilities can not be excluded from public accommodations (private businesses including preschools, child care centers, out-of-school time programs or family child care homes) simply because of a disability.
Disclaimer: While this resource may contain legal information, it is not intended to provide legal advice. For specific legal questions related to the ADA and child care, contact the US Department of Justice ADA Information Line at (800) 514-0301.
You may not like the word disability because it can give a negative impression of a child’s abilities. But the ADA uses the term disability to help prevent discrimination based upon a person’s differing abilities.
In the ADA, ‘disability’ means a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities.
- Physical impairment – includes but is not limited to asthma, blindness, deafness, seizures, heart disease, or cerebral palsy
- Mental impairment – includes but is not limited to developmental delay, behavior disorders, or learning disabilities
- Major life activities – includes breathing, hearing, seeing, speaking, walking, using of arms and legs, learning and playing (especially for children).
Providers, children and parents benefit when all children learn and play together
Every child is unique. Including children with special needs in child care reflects our larger community where people with and without disabilities live, work, and play together. Inclusion contributes to acceptance, improved socialization, and understanding of individual differences.
Benefits of inclusion for child care providers:
- Access to a helpful network of professionals
- Improved knowledge about child development
- Potential tax credits or deductions
The ADA requires that public facilities (includes for profit and not for profit):
- Make reasonable modifications to policies and practices that allow children and adults with disabilities to participate in the public program/service, unless doing so would constitute a fundamental alteration of the program.
- Provide auxiliary aids and services needed for effective communication with children and adults with disabilities, when doing so would not constitute an undue burden.
- Cannot exclude children or adults with disabilities from their programs/services, unless their presence would pose a direct threat to the health and safety of others or require a fundamental alteration of the program.
For more information:
US Department of Justice’s Guidelines to Effective Communication – for D/deaf, deaf-blind, blind, and visually impaired individuals
US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
Advocating for Your Child
In the community
- Arizona Commission for the Deaf and the Hard of Hearing – ACDHH is a state agency charged with improving the quality of life for deaf and hard of hearing Arizonans and their families.
- Arizona Center for Disability Law –
In the classroom
- “Equality & Quality Education for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children: Child First Campaign”
- “Getting What Your Child Needs to do Well in School” – Arizona Center for Disability Law (ACDL)
- Arizona Standardized Testing – AIMS, including information on testing accommodations and alternative testing
- Assistive Technology through the Arizona Department of Education
- Classroom Interpreting – Working with Educational Interpreters
Child First
What is Child First?
While the deaf and hard of hearing communities and the special education world in general have debated the meaning and reach of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) for more than 30 years, it is beyond contention that when provided appropriate language, learning and academic opportunities deaf and hard of hearing children can and do attain high levels of achievement. The population of deaf and hard of hearing children is diverse, and their needs for access to language and communication are diverse as well. These include access to American Sign Language and English and communication through sign language, spoken language, sign and voice, visual technology, auditory technology, and other supports and services. When access is not provided, children fall behind in linguistic and cognitive growth and ultimately educational achievement. Support for each child’s language and communication development is the key to the child’s success.
The Child First Campaign
What: Child First is a national campaign to ensure that the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) appropriately addresses the language, communication, and educational needs of deaf and hard of hearing children.Who: Child First was developed and is being driven by national organizations that advocate for the educational rights of deaf and hard of hearing children.
Why: At the time IDEA (then the Education for All Handicapped Children Act) was passed in 1975, many children with disabilities were precluded from going to school, either by law or because schools were not equipped to teach them. IDEA changed that by requiring states, local school districts, and schools to provide them with an individualized education.
The main principles include:
- Individualized Education Program (IEP): A program tailored to the child that supports the child’s progress in the general education curriculum. For deaf and hard of hearing children this includes consideration of language and communication.
- Evaluation: A child’s IEP is based on information gathered through an appropriate evaluation. The evaluation must be performed by qualified personnel.
- Least Restrictive Environment (LRE): To the maximum extent appropriate students with disabilities are educated with students who are not disabled.
- Procedural Safeguards: The student and his parents have certain rights that are protected by law, such as the right to be involved in developing the IEP and the right to be part of the team that decides placement.
In order to meet deaf and hard of hearing students’ educational needs, programs must first address their language and communication needs. However, today implementation of IDEA pays little attention to this issue. Instead, IDEA implementation often focuses on the location where the child is being educated, rather than the supports and services available at that location to meet the needs of the child. Child First is attempting to shift the focus of IDEA back to the individual needs of the child. It is attempting to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing children’s IEPs and educational placement facilitate full language and communication development, which will lead to greater educational success.
It is time to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing students across the United States experience the same kind of access to language development, social interaction, and academic opportunities experienced by their hearing peers.
What you can do: To find out how you can support improved outcomes for deaf and hard of hearing students contact .
Child First Principles
Quality access to language and communication is a human and educational right.
This right is fundamental and indispensable in the provision of a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for deaf and hard of hearing children under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Sadly, however, the implementation of IDEA does not adequately protect this right.
Language deprivation is disabling.
On-going access to language and communication is taken for granted for every hearing child and is essential for healthy cognitive functioning and development. Without such access, deaf and hard of hearing children lose the opportunity to become thinking, literate, self-sufficient individuals. Instead, they experience disadvantages and delays that can become impossible to erase. It is diminished exposure to language and communication – not being deaf or hard of hearing per se – that disables a deaf or hard of hearing child. Educational programs must ensure that deaf and hard of hearing children have opportunities for language development, on-going interactive access, and age-appropriate use of language. Language and communication are central to the educational progress of deaf and hard of hearing children.
Research supports need for full access to all interactions.
Research shows that children and adults learn more from human, social interactions and active learning than from anything else. Children need to have access to and be connected with a variety of peers and adults with whom they can communicate spontaneously and effectively. As fundamental as this issue is, such genuine opportunities are all too often elusive for the deaf or hard of hearing child at school.
The Individualized Education Program (IEP) determines the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) for a child served under IDEA.
The IEP identifies the unique educational needs of the child, which ultimately leads to the choice of placement. IDEA requires a continuum of alternative placements to be available, as any single placement cannot be the LRE for all students. Because LRE varies by student – a setting that meets the needs of one may not necessarily meet the needs of another – all placements on the continuum, including specialized programs and schools, are equally valid and necessary. Discussions about LRE that focus solely on location without taking into account the quality of education, support services and social interactions a child experiences in that environment are misguided.
One size does not fit all.
As with other students receiving their education through special education, a “one size fits all” approach cannot be used to determine a deaf or hard of hearing child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) goals or subsequent placement. Each child’s unique strengths and needs must drive these. Every child must have an education and learning environment that goes beyond mere physical inclusion – it must provide accessible language development and interaction opportunities so that the child is a true member of the school community.
CAESD- January 2012
The Alice Cogswell & Anne Sullivan Macy Act
Conference of Educational Administrators of Schools and Programs for the Deaf share information and resources about the Alice Cogswell and Anne Sullivan Macy Act (H.R. 3535) that will have direct impact of the education of deaf, hard of hearing, blind, visually impaired, and deafblind children in the US.
What is AZ ABLE?
- AZ ABLE is A izona’s ABLE Plan that is offered to Arizona residents through a partnership with Ohio’s STABLE Account Program. AZ ABLE is administered by the Department of Economic Security (DES).
- An AZ ABLE account is an investment account that allows qualified individuals with disabilities to save and invest money without losing eligibility for certain public benefit programs, like Medicaid or SSI.
- AZ ABLE accounts are made possible by the federal Achieving a Better Life Experience “ABLE” Act passed by Congress in 2014. AZ ABLE launched March 5, 2018.
- AZ ABLE accounts are similar to a 529 college savings account or 401(k) retirement plan and can work alongside Special Needs Trusts. They can also function like a regular checking account.
What are the Benefits?
- AZ ABLE accounts provide financial independence and empowerment for individuals with disabilities by dramatically increasing the ability to save and invest.
- Before, individuals with disabilities could only save $2,000 before losing needs-based benefits.
- Now, AZ ABLE accounts allows individuals with disabilities to save and invest up to $15,000 annually without affecting eligibility for certain public benefits programs. If a beneficiary is employed, he/she may contribute up to an additional $12,060 of employment earnings to an account bringing the total maximum yearly contribution limit for employed beneficiaries to
$27,060 per account.
- AZ ABLE account funds can be used on Qualified Disability Expenses including:
- education, housing, transportation, healthcare, assistive technology, employment needs and basic living expenses.
- Earnings on an AZ ABLE account grow tax-free and are not subject to federal income tax, so long
- as they are spent on Qualified Disability Expenses.
Who is Eligible?
- An “Eligible Individual” is someone whose disability began before the age of 26, has been living with their disability for at least one year, or expects their disability to last for at least a year.
- An individual must also do one of the following: 1. Be eligible for SSI or SSDI; 2. Have a condition listed on the Social Security Administration’s List of Compassionate Allowances Conditions; or 3. Self-Certify their diagnosis.
- Visit to take the quick and easy eligibility quiz to learn more.
What is the STABLE Card?
- The STABLE Card is a debit card participants can use to easily spend money from an AZ ABLE account. It is available at no cost to all AZ ABLE account holders!
- The STABLE Card is a loadable prepaid debit card. It does not pull money directly from a
- STABLE Account to better protect spending. The card is accepted anywhere MasterCard is used.
How do I Enroll?
- An AZ ABLE account can be opened by a qualifying person with a disability, the parent or legal guardian of an eligible individual, or by a designated Power of Attorney.
- Online enrollment is free. Participants will need to deposit a minimum of $50 to open an account.
- Account set up and enrollment is done online at No bank trips necessary!
STABLE Account – Administered by the Ohio Treasurer’s Office
1-800-439-1653 | |
Central Arizona
- Arizona Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired(ACBVI has been providing services for individuals since 1947.)
- Arizona Center for Youth Resources (ACYR helps build pathways to success through education, skill building and employment.)
- Arizona Centers for Comprehensive Education and Life Skills (Mission is to provide exceptional educational, behavioral, therapeutic and vocational programs to individuals with special needs, to give them the necessary skills to learn to work and live successfully with dignity and independence.)
- Arizona OIC (The mission of Arizona OIC is to help people help themselves through accessible education, career preparation, skills training, and job placement assistance.)
- Autism Society of Greater Phoenix (We work to increase public awareness about the day-to-day issues about people across the spectrum, advocate for appropriate services for individuals of every age, and provide the latest information regarding treatment, education, research, and advocacy.)
- Chandler Public Library (Chandler Library offers assistance with job searches, GED prep, and English for Adults)
- Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC is a community development corporation, committed to building stronger, healthier communities as a lead advocate, coalition builder, and direct service provider.)
- Colleges/Universities in Pinal and Maricopa Counties
- Central Arizona College’s Disability Resource Services
- Arizona State University
- Arizona State University Disability Resources (The ASU Disability Resource Center is a great resource for students with disabilities.)
- Upward Bound Project (UB at ASU is a federally funded college-preparatory program that serves high school students who are either low-income and/or potential first-generation college students.)
- Arizona State University Earn to Learn (ASU Earn to Learn is a college savings-scholarship program.)
- GateWay Community College Disability Resources (The Disability Resources and Services (DRS) Department endeavors to empower all students, advance their independence and develop a sense of self-advocacy.)
- Glendale Community College’s Disability Resources & Success
- Glendale Community College Differences between High School & College For Students with Disabilities
- Maricopa Community Colleges Disability Resources and Services (We support the rights of students with disabilities and work diligently to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.)
- Mesa Community College’s Disability Resources and Services (DRS at Mesa Community College (MCC) offers comprehensive services for students with disabilities.)
- Paradise Valley Community College’s Disability Resources and Services (The Disability Resources and Services provides information and services to students with any documented disability who are attending classes at Paradise Valley Community College.)
- Phoenix College Disability Resources and Services (Because Phoenix College believes academically qualified individuals with disabilities should have equal opportunity and access to a quality education)
- Rio Salado College Disability Resources and Services (Rio Salado provides information, resources, and services which promote a successful learning experience for students with documented disabilities.)
- The Scottsdale Community College Disability Resources and Services (The DRS Office provides accommodations and services to students with disabilities to ensure they have equal access to all SCC programs, services, and activities.)
- South Mountain Community College’s Disability Resources and Services (At South Mountain Community College, we work hard to ensure that all students are provided with equal access to learning.)
- Dynamic Educational Systems, Inc., (DESI is dedicated to helping qualified youth and adults receive the education, training, and job placement assistance they need to support themselves, their families, and their communities.)
- Florence Crittenton (Through the Independent Living and Life Skills Programs, Florence Crittenton case specialists provide home-based training and support to youth aging out of the State’s foster care and mental health systems.)
- Foundation for Blind Children (Mission is to provide education, tools and services that enable all persons with vision loss to achieve greater independence.)
- Fresh Start Women’s Foundation (Fresh Start Women’s Foundation provides women with education, resources and support to positively transform their lives.)
- Friendly House (A multi-service organization to empower Arizona communities through education and human services.)
- From Gangs to Jobs (we exist to ignite home among the poor and broken, transforming their life direction)
- HandsOn Greater Phoenix (We address critical community needs in the Phoenix metropolitan area by coordinating a variety of volunteer projects and programs.)
- Homeless prevention and rehousing programs in Pinal County (The programs that can prevent homelessness in Pinal County are detailed on this page.)
- Literacy Volunteers of Maricopa County (LVMC is a non-profit organization in Phoenix, AZ dedicated to improving adult reading, writing, and mathematical skills to prepare for the GED.)
- Phoenix Indian Center (Looking for a job? Need your High School Equivalency Diploma? Need help with your resume? We can help)
- Phoenix Job Corps Center (Job Corps is a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor that helps young people ages 16 to 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training.)
- ReEngagePhoenix
- Spina Bifida Association of Arizona (Promoting Awareness and Enhancing Lives)
- Tempe Community Council (The mission of Commitment to Schools in Tempe and Kyrene is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.)
- Tolleson Community Action Program (Our mission is to broaden the skills, knowledge and motivation within the community by identifying opportunities in employment, education, job trainin