Campus Services
Your Hub for Campus ServicesLibrary
Each ASDB campus, Phoenix and Tucson, has a school library providing services for students, staff, teachers, parents, and community members. For ASB students in Tucson there is an extensive large print, audio, and Braille collection. Each campus also serves as a community resource center for information about deafness, deaf education, American Sign Language, and Deaf culture.
Each ASDB campus, Phoenix and Tucson, has a school library providing services for students, staff, teachers, parents, and community members. For ASB students in Tucson there is an extensive large print, audio, and Braille collection. Each campus also serves as a community resource center for information about deafness, deaf education, American Sign Language, and Deaf culture.
Helpful Links
Follett Destiny
More K-12 schools and districts use Follett Destiny Library Manager for managing their library resources than any other platform. There’s a reason why: Our solution not only allows librarians and administrators keep thorough, real-time track of a library’s inventory and media assets, but also gives students a fun means of discovery and reading. Destiny Library Manager is a complete library management system that can be accessed from anywhere, 24/7, helping to strengthen the crucial bond between the library, the classroom, and home.
Tumble Book Library
School subscribers have access to a rich collection of educational resources such as lesson plans, quizzes, educational games and puzzles related to both math and language skills. School subscriptions also include the FREE Common Core Portals: a K-5 English Common Core Portal and a Math Common Core Portal. These portals have resources aligned to core standards and make integrating TumbleBooks and the Common Core into your classrooms effortless. For those of you not following the Common Core, these portals are also useful since they contain lesson plans and quizzes which help build certain skills, such as vocabulary building or understanding elements of a story.
Click the Read Online button for today’s book on the Tumblebook of the Day web page! Check back tomorrow for another new book. Happy Tumbling!
Described and Captioned Media Program
Explore our Web site to learn how we are living our mission to promote and provide equal access to communication and learning for students who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, or deaf-blind. The DCMP is an idea that works thanks to funding by the U.S. Department of Education and administration by the National Association of the Deaf.
Arizona Daily Star
Arizona Daily Star
4850 S. Park Ave.
Tucson, AZ 85714
Home Delivery Customer Service: 1-800-695-4492
e-Edition Content Issues:
USA Today
Welcome Teachers & Students!
The USA TODAY Charitable Foundation is pleased to provide you with access to USA TODAY’s electronic edition of the newspaper for your classroom. Your grant has been provided through the generosity of our home delivery subscribers, who have donated their vacation copies of the newspaper to schools across the country.
The electronic edition is an exact digital replica of USA TODAY’s print edition. Special features enable you to: enlarge text and graphics on screen, download individual articles for printing and sharing, access article archives by subject area, view video, listen to the audio of the articles, translate articles from English to Spanish and more!
You and your students may access the electronic edition at school or at home to complete lessons and homework assignments. You may also access USA TODAY Education’s website for additional classroom resources at:
At the end of the program, USA TODAY will require a confirmation of delivery, verifying that you received the electronic edition of the newspaper. We will contact you via email and simply ask that you respond and return the email to us for our records. Enjoy your school year and thank you for using USA TODAY in your classroom!
Questions? Please contact us at .
Accelerated Reader
The most effective reading practice available today Renaissance Accelerated Reader engages K12 students in independent and close reading practice. They complete close reading activities built into nonfiction articles, choose their own independent reading books, and take short reading comprehension quizzes. Students work toward personalized reading goals and grow!
MetaMetrics develops scientific measures of academic achievement and complementary technologies that link assessment results with instruction. Our products and services help learners achieve their goals by providing unique insights about their ability level and potential for growth.
Pima County Public Library
Pima County Public Library
101 N. Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 791-4010 Infoline
Digital Arizona Library
A division of the Arizona Secretary of State, the Arizona State Library, Archives and Public Records’ branches are the Director’s Office (Administration), Archives and Records Management, State Library of Arizona, Library Development, Arizona Talking Book Library and the Arizona Capitol Museum.
Great Websites for Kids
Great Websites for Kids is a compilation of exemplary websites geared to children from birth to age 14. Suggested sites are evaluated by the Great Websites for Kids Committee using established selection criteria. The committee is made up of members of the Association for Library Service to Children, a division of the American Library Association. Newly evaluated and accepted sites are added to the database three times a year. The committee also reviews all sites within the database twice a year to guarantee sites are still relevant, appropriate and accessible.